Asset Library

Button Maker

The Button Maker can create 3-state "Dynamic Buttons" with text, from your choice of different button images and text properties, inserting cross-browser "rollover" JavaScript code in your documents, all with just a few mouse clicks.

The sample blank buttons below are pre-configured such that each button image is swapped with another colored image; you can create your own Dynamic Buttons with a combination of different images, text styles or colors.

When they are displayed in a browser, moving the mouse over the image will cause it to change, and clicking on the button will cause it to change again. They are configured with a default image, and one or both of Mouseover and Mousedown images. Test the effect for each button by moving the mouse over or clicking on the image. To customize the blank button with a font, text string and text color, drag and drop the mouse icon on your document where you would like to insert the button. Button Maker will launch, pre-configured with the suggested button settings. You can then change the text, choose other images for each state, then save out the buttons you want to use; if you only want the Default and Mouseover action, save out those two buttons, clicking "Cancel" when prompted to save the Mousedown image.

TestDrag the mouse